press release SKK Migas – PT CPI appreciation encourage partners to be more innovative

Pekanbaru, 29 June 2021 – SKK Migas - PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) initiated the a special event for implementing partners and stakeholders supporting the success of the company's community development programs. This event is called Partners Day, which is held in a hybrid (offline and online) on Tuesday, June 29, 2021.

"This event is held as a form of our appreciation to the implementing partners and stakeholders who have supported the implementation of community development programs of PT CPI so far. Everything went well thanks to strong commitment and cooperation among the multi-stakeholders," said PT CPI VP Corporate Affairs, Sukamto Tamrin.

 In the event, PT CPI gave awards to 35 implementing partners and stakeholders, including non-profit organizations, customary institutions, government agencies, universities, and the military. They hey have played a significant role in the success of PT CPI community development programs in the economic development, education, health, environment, and disaster emergency response. The award presentation was held at the Auditorium of the Caltex Riau Polytechnic Multipurpose Building, Pekanbaru.

 Also attending the Partners Day event was the Head of the Riau Province Manpower Office Jonly and Head of Representative of SKK Migas Sumbagut Rikky Rahmat Firdaus. "We appreciate the steps and efforts of PT CPI which continuously implement programs for community in its operational area. Our appreciation to the local government and other stakeholders for the support that has been given to upstream oil and gas activities,” said Rikky in his remarks.

Prior to the award ceremony, the invited guests attended a seminar on public speaking filled by two journalists and a national television presenter, namely Oki Satrial and Dwi Anggia.

Chevron Partners Day event photo

VP Corporate Affairs PT CPI Sukamto Tamrin (fourth from left) after handed over the award to stakeholders and implementing partners of PT CPI’s social investment programs in the Chevron Partners Day event at the Multipurpose Auditorium of Politeknik Caltex Riau, Pekanbaru, on Tuesday, 29 June 2021.

Patin Village Tourism

One of the implementing partners who received an award from PT CPI was Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata/ Tourism Academy (STP) Riau. SKK Migas-PT CPI work with STP Riau to develop the community-based tourism (CBT) in Tourism Villages Patin, Koto Mesjid, Kampar. This program even achieves the best ranking in the tourism village event organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) late last year.

STP Riau trains and guides the community to improve skills of tour guides, identification of potential tourist attractions, homestays, souvenirs, and culinary delights. The concept is development of a tourist destination through empowerment of local communities that consider aspects of environmental sustainability, social, and cultural.

 "The partnership program of SKK Migas, PT CPI, and STP Riau encourage enthusiasm and productivity of community in the Patin Tourism Village so that it becomes the foundation of the revival and development of human resources for tourism, MSMEs, creative economy, as well as providing multiple impacts to the surrounding communities,” said Dr. Ir Eni Sumiarsih MSc as Chair of STP Riau. This partnership program also creates the and Mini eSTePe Tour & Travel websites to expand the promotion.

 Chevron for a Healthy and Prosperous Riau (CHERISH)

PT CPI also designed the CHERISH Program to support efforts of pandemic mitigation impact, while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Riau. The program includes three main activities, namely the Food Security Program; Establishment of the COVID-19 Alert Village; and Construction of Clean Water Wells. Funding of this program comes directly from Chevron Corporation.

For the food security program, PT CPI provides assistance to 20 farmer groups (Poktan) from six districts/cities in Riau in the form of agricultural production facilities, training, and assistance according to the needs of each Poktan. Participants will also receive training on digital product marketing. Poktan locations are scattered around the area of PT CPI's operations, which are in Dumai, Rokan Hilir, Bengkalis, Siak, Kampar, and Pekanbaru.

In addition to collaborating with the Institute for Research and Community Service University of Riau (LPPM UNRI), PT CPI also work with the Center for Entrepreneurship and Third Sector Trisakti University (CECT Trisakti) to provide marketing training digitally. ”PT CPI's strategy in planning and implementing development programs community during the pandemic is very effective through the partnership of various parties. Key to the success of PT CPI partnership is a clear division of roles, provide trust, perform regular engagement and appreciation to partners program implementers," said Dr. Maria R Nindita Radyati as Director of CECT Trisakti. "That way, partners feel valued, so they have the courage to innovate, feel united, mutually respect each other and achieve optimal impact.”

Sumatran Elephant Conservation

In the environmental field, PT CPI collaborates with the Indonesian Elephant Association (PGI) and Jungle Satwa Foundation in an effort to save the Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) in Riau through monitoring its population and elephant habitat development.

“This support also increase the participation of Sumatran elephant conservation institutions to contribute in reducing the number of elephant deaths in the nature as targeted by Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Urgent Action Plan Saving the Sumatran Elephant for the target reduces the threat significantly this year 2020-2023," said Dr. Wishnu Sukmantoro from PGI. “A big thank you to PT. CPI and support from all parties so that until today we can reduce the threat significantly in three locations in Riau, namely in the elephant sanctuary of Balai Raja, Giam Siak Kecil and Petapahan (Minas)," added Wishnu who is also a member of the IUCN SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Indonesian Elephant Conservation Group and Forum.