
Chevron and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGE) Ready to Explore Geothermal Energy in WKP Way Ratai Through PT Cahaya Anagata Energy (CAE)

Jakarta, 25 September 2024 – PT Cahaya Anagata Energy (CAE), a joint venture company (JVC) between PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGE) (IDX: PGEO) and Chevron New Energies Holdings Indonesia Ltd. (Chevron), has received a Geothermal Permit (IPB) for the Way Ratai Geothermal Working Area (WKP) in Lampung from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Besides strengthening the synergy between the two leading energy companies, this IPB marks a crucial step in developing geothermal energy potential.

The IPB handover was carried out on Tuesday, 24 September 2024, at the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Hall, Menteng, Central Jakarta, with the symbolic handover of the IPB document to PT Cahaya Anagata Energy by the Director General of EBTKE, Eniya Listiani Dewi, witnessed by the EBTKE leadership and strategic partners. This IPB is the first to be processed online through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, marking a breakthrough in bureaucratic efficiency in the energy sector.

In her speech, Eniya Listiani Dewi stated, “The government fully supports the development of geothermal energy. Recognizing the importance of investment in renewable energy, we have streamlined the licensing process to accelerate and ensure that all needs for green energy exploration can be met well,” said Eniya.

With this IPB, PT CAE is ready to start exploration surveys to identify geothermal sources in WKP Way Ratai. This project is supported by an investment commitment of USD 28.85 million for the exploration phase.

The Director of Geothermal at the Directorate General of EBTKE, Ministry of ESDM, Gigih Udi Atmo, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government and the private sector in promoting renewable energy development. “We continue to fully support every initiative aimed at accelerating the energy transition, especially geothermal. The swift issuance of this IPB is proof of our commitment to supporting a conducive investment climate and accelerating clean energy development in Indonesia,” said Gigih.

On the same occasion, PGE President Director Julfi Hadi expressed his pride in the strategic partnership between PGE and Chevron in this project. “WKP Way Ratai is part of a grand strategy to strengthen PGE’s geothermal development portfolio. We are committed to continuing to work with strategic partners to ensure the sustainable development of geothermal energy resources and provide significant benefits to the community.”

PT CAE President Director Wahyu Budiarto expressed his appreciation to the Directorate General of EBTKE, Ministry of ESDM, for the trust and support given. “This Geothermal Permit is an important step for our company to contribute to the development of clean and renewable energy in Indonesia. We are committed to conducting exploration surveys with high safety and environmental standards.”

After officially obtaining the permit for WKP Way Ratai, PT CAE will immediately begin the initial phase of geothermal energy development in the area. This process starts with exploration surveys as a strategic step to ensure the readiness of the working area before entering further development and production phases. This exploration survey will include geological, geophysical, and geochemical (3G) studies to support the future development of the PLTP.

“We will ensure that the entire process is carried out with transparency and involves stakeholders, including the surrounding community. We believe that geothermal energy development can provide significant benefits to the community and the country,” added Wahyu Budiarto.